About Me


What I think or I feel is, it is not necessary to know about me, but it is good to know why am doing this. My intention is very clear that I want to provide the best knowledge for those traders who are really interested in trading and want to choose trading as career.  As you all know that in India less than 10% of people are involved in trading / investment. 

It is also true that most of the people involved are trading without any knowledge or simply we can say they are gambling. Some or majority of the people are still believing that success in trading is luck. Many says it is too risky or people who trading are gamblers.

There is huge no of peoples who are teaching and running their courses or providing tips through many paid mediums but unfortunately more than 90% of them are spreading fake knowledges and fooling innocent retail traders.

In My earlier trading days, I have faced all these problems. By knowing all these things, I have decided to provide the best knowledge for retail traders, also guiding them about risk management.

I am very good at technical analysis and Price action study. I am trading from past several years. Previously I worked in pharma industry for around 7 years, but I was passionate about trading, so I left the job and started trading.

As a retail trader I did many mistakes and learned many things from market and also acquired many trading skills. Major thing I observed is "there is nobody is perfect in market or life because no trading strategy works all the time and if we have 70% or more success rate that is more than enough" if you have proper risk management and aware of trading psychology.

I personally believe there is no degree or certificate works in trading, it is all about your risk management and psychology skills. As I mentioned earlier that I made many mistakes, but I overcame it and recovered all my losses and become profitable.

- the trading job